著名生态学家J教授 (谷歌被引3.2万次;方向:群落生态学、生物多样性与生态系统功能/freshwater and marine science)加入我们润色团队。J教授在Nature和Science 共发表论文 10篇。在Nature和Science子刊,PNAS/Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society B/Proc.B等顶 级期刊发表论文很多。
高级润色:费用6000元人民币(含发票)。负责英文润色、提修改意见和建议,仅负责第 一轮。第二轮之后的润色交由其他老外,按照跟第 一版相比新增或修改的部分累计一页250元收费。如果第二轮还想请他润色,价格再议。可以考虑邀请他做共同作者。
顶 级润色:费用10000元人民币(含发票)。主要面向拟投Science, Nature, PNAS等顶 级期刊的论文。负责英文润色、提修改意见和建议,负责2轮。
(1)writing and editing process, help people communicate their science as best as possible. This is much more than simply language editing, because developing the story for how to present the research can sometimes be much more than simple language.
(2)working towards developing a deeper perspective on science, scientists and why we do what we do.
(3) I would be happy to provide much deeper consulting on the scientific methods and approaches too, if that is useful.
(4)I could provide advice on journals to submit to, cover letters, and other parts of the ‘story telling’ that matter a lot for getting a paper published.
(5)I would be willing to consider co-authorship on some manuscripts that are in my area of expertise if I contribute enough, but only if it is appropriate.
此外,国际顶 级生态学家RC(谷歌被引3.5万次,在Nature和Science发表论文超过15篇)和RP 教授(谷歌被引3.1万次;保护生物学家、物候学、公众科学、大尺度生态学)也可以提供顶 级润色,费用:10000元起。